Monday, August 23, 2010

Crickets, they are a-chirpin'...

I'm an early riser - not by choice, but by biology. Or something like that.

Which leads me to be here, in front of my computer at an obscene time trying to think of the brilliant thing I thought to write last night (but didn't).

Have you ever sat in front of a glaring computer screen and wondered what to do? With the billions of words and millions of pages the inter-web offers, and STILL you can't figure out what to watch or read or play?

My theory is this - there's just too much going on in the world. Things need to s-l-o-w would be nice if everything didn't move at the speed of light so that I always felt the need to be doing or watching or reading or SOMETHING. And yet, I do believe it's impossible this way.

The last thoughts I had before falling asleep last night: I need to write a living will and I need to get new life insurance policies and I need to fill out new direct deposit forms and I need to eat breakfast (apparently at 9:30 at night) and I need to throw everything away because it's all too much to look at anymore and I need to tell my husband I love him before I fall asleep and I need to play with my cat more often because he's too fat and possibly unhappy and I need to buy those two things I forgot when I went food shopping today and I need to find a new novel to read and I need to start looking at that biology textbook and I need to pick up my prescription from CVS and I need to clean the house and I need to...STOP MOVING. I need to do nothing for awhile.

I need a vacation.


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